Punching Dies for DTP 340 M

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SKU: DTP340-M-5mmOvalDie
Regular price $1,540.00
Regular price Sale $1,650.00 Sale price $1,540.00

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Punching Dies for DTP 340 M

Punching dies from RENZ® are made of high quality special steel and are available in most punching patterns and various types of perforation. Special types of punching die and perforation die are available on request.

The punching pins can be reground several times. (only Punch 500 ES/ 500 HD, Super 700/900, AP 360 and Kugler)

RENZ® high capacity punching dies convince by longevity and durability.


  • quality “Made in Germany”


Technical Details:

Punching dies for RENZ RING WIRE® wire comb binding: square hole 4,0 x 4,0 mm
pitch 3:1
with or without thumbcut
deselectable punch pinsround hole ø 4 mm


pitch 3:1
with or without thumbcut
deselectable punch pinssquare hole 5,5 x 3,5 mm

pitch 2:1
without thumbcut
deselectable punch pinssquare hole 6,0 x 6,0 mm

pitch 2:1
without thumbcut
deselectable punch pins

round hole ø 6 mm
pitch 2:1
without thumbcut
deselectable punch pins

Punching dies for spiral binding: oval hole 4,5 x 3,6 mm
pitch 6 mm
deselectable punch pins for A4/A5


oval hole 5 x 4 mm
pitch 6,2865 mm = 0,2475″
deselectable punch pins A4/A5

round hole ø 3,6 mm
pitch5 mm
deselectable punch pins for A4/A5

round hole ø 4,0 mm
pitch 6 mm
deselectable punch pins for A4/A5

Punching dies for plastic binding: EUROP-pitch 12 mm
square hole 7 x 3 mm
deselectable punch pins


US-pitch 14,28 mm = 9/16″
square hole 8 x 3 mm
deselectable punch pins

Punching die for filing holes: 4 x round filing holes ø 6 mm
pitch 80 mm
the two outside pins can be disengaged