Document Finishing Resources Attends BindRite Dealer Meeting in Phoenix

BindRite  - Write-up 2014 Annual Meeting

Founded in 1991, BindRite is an international group of independent dealers offering products, services and expertise pertaining to all your Print Finishing and Custom Graphics requirements. Members are required to maintain the highest standards of product selection, customer service, technical support and adherence to a strict Code of Ethics.   

At the 3day BindRite Dealer Association annual meeting in April 2014, at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, AZ, forty of forty-four member dealerships from the U.S, Mexico and Canada, were represented, and products and services were on display from 29 of their key vendors.

In her welcoming speech, BindRite President Cyndi Christie, owner of McIntire Business Products, Concord, NH, , made this comment, “Our network is making a significant contribution to the fast paced ‘Digital Print on Demand’ market space by presenting Print Finishing products from the world class manufacturers we represent, many of which are adapting ‘Green Button Technology’ into their new designs.”

John Stewart, Executive Director of National Print Owners Association (NPOA) was the key note speaker at the conference and his remarks highlighted with alarm, the threat of rising labor cost in the operations of printers, large and small. The comments from Ms. Christie combined with the presence of so many “Green Button” labor saving finishing devices and supplies at the BindRite Trade Show, offer answers and solutions to the reigning in of those troubling labor costs.

Finally, the BindRite Meeting was the venue for the announcement by Michael Schubert, Managing Partner of Renz Germany that Data Bind would officially become the North American Distributor for all Renz products. Data Bind of Enfield, CT was represented by Jonathan Gasperini, VP Sales, North America.

  The next annual meeting will be at The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, Savanah GA, April 19, 20, 21, 2015 2015.

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