BindRite Features Made-in-America Products

NPOA Associate Member BindRite
Features Made-in-America Products 

The global landscape for purchasing printing equipment and supplies has been changing dramatically in recent months, as low cost countries are experiencing inflation and labor cost increases, and that has given the BindRite Dealer's Association (an NPOA Associate member) impetus for introducing its "Made in America" strategy, according to Albert (Al) Boese, Executive Director, BindRite Dealers Association. 

Doing business in these formerly cost effective locations has always been more complex with unit volume expectations, quality variations, supply chain issues including; travel time, dock strikes and other inconveniences, but cost was attractive." Now,"notes Boese, "vendors to the printing industry are rethinking their options and sources of manufactured products. Many are either continuing or expanding their US manufacturing operations or moving back to America altogether."

In response to this worldwide paradigm shift, Bindrite has developed, according to Boese, a “Made in America” strategy for our web site, featuring companies who produce products for the Print Finishing industry and are manufactured in the USA. 

Document Finishing Resources / is proud to be a member of BindRite. Contact us for information reagrding specific products made-in-Amercia.


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