modico Stamp Systems : What is is?

After introducing the integrated ink pad 40 years ago, the stamp industry has developed a new and revolutionary manufacturing method for stamps: the permanent stamp -also known as Flash Stamp, because it is produced with a flash-unit. Sharp and even imprints of best quality characterize these kinds of stamps.

This is how the modico stamp works
The ink pad is placed behind the printing plate which is made of a microporous special foamed material, that stays ink-permeable only at the unexposed areas. The exposed areas are ink-impermeable. If you press the stamp, the ink is being dispensed through the ink-permeable areas of the text plate onto the paper.
This is why there isn't any loss of quality, which is the result of the uneven transfer of ink from the ink plate onto the text plate, like it is common with conventional wooden- or self inking stamps made of polymer or rubber.


Stamping ink for almost every demand

Most of the time objects you want to stamp on have got quite a variable surface texture. This is a challenge for every stamping ink. You know the problem of a smeared stamping imprint when stamping on e.g. photos with a normal office stamp. For that reason there are inks and stamps by modico, that are customized especially on the demands of different materials.


The suitable stamp case

Depending on the application and type of ink, there are different stamp mounts by modico to satisfy the particular demand. Fast drying stamping ink for example contains solvents that are extremely volatile. Especially for that kind of ink a hermetically sealed mount has been constructed which prevents the solvents from evaporating. The ink won‘t be drying up and therefore a long-lasting efficiency of the stamp is guaranteed.

To learn more contact us at Document Finishing Resources, Inc 866-781-2463.