News — Pro-Bind

Money Saving Book Re-Binding for Schools

Posted by Michael White on

With rising costs and shrinking budgets schools and libraries are often unable to find the funds to repair damaged books. For a library, a professional repair can cost between $6 and $8 per book; add packaging, labor, lost time, shipping and costs go even higher. Often the book can be out of circulation for up to 6 weeks. In schools text books are expensive and when they begin to deteriorate the damage just accelerates without immediate attention. Doesn't it make economic sense to own the ability to repair books on demand? Now Document Finishing Resources offers an affordable solution to repair books in just minutes...

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Introducing Document Finishing Resources' new website -

Posted by Michael White on

 Document Finishing Resources is pleased to announce the launch of our newly designed  and branded website now found at The new website features a more user friendly navigation panel, a product search option, promotions on binding, lamination and print finishing products, an informational blog section and a sign-up option to connect customers to promotions and information topics. Stay tuned for announcements on new products coming in January. We are introducing a metal channel binding product with a hard cover product option that is sure to excite customers interested in binding presentations that will make a positive and lasting impression. Our company will...

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