Pro-Bind Blue Premium Utility Thermal Covers

In stock - 1000 items available
SKU: PBblu1_16TAB
Regular price $125.00
Regular price Sale $152.00 Sale price $125.00

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Midnight Blue 80lb Linen thermal binding covers with clear front  for 11 x 8.5 sheets or 20# paper. Aggressive bind "U" shaped channel. Works in any standard thermal binding machine. See the PB2000 binding machine solutions.
Choose from 5 stock spines sizes:

Spine Size Sheet Capacity Quantity (Pcs/Box)
1/16" 5-10 100
1/8" 10-25 100
1/4" 25-50 100
3/8" 40-75 100
1/2" 65-100 100